-----------------LOVE UNDER DARKNESS------------

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final part

((when u opened Urself eyes u noticed u were lying on a bed))

Someone :did u sleep well?

You : *gasps*

((it was that orange guy... You were about to say something savage but then u realized if you act like u lost ur memory u will get to know their plans))

You : *soften ur eyes * who r u? Where am I? Who am I?

He : looks like someone loses her memories.

(( he was about to take a move but their leader RM entered in the room and order both of you downstairs.. As u went down stairs u noticed 3 couple sitting together... They called that orange guy jimin))

Jimin : girls meet her.. We don't know her name.. I found her and brought here Becz she lost her memories

You : * thinking *what a sharp liar. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

(( and so you started to live up with that gang and their gf only jimin was single in them.... By living in under the same roof u get to know that they were their motives and u were shocked when u learn that they were orphans and poor.. World turned them into spuglar... And with that money they helps the orphan and poor kids so that they won't be like them.....

U found it very shameful that people always judge them base on the word "criminal" they never wanted to know how why and with what motive they turned into one?....

Everyone in that group accepts you becz u were kind and happy... And somehow jimin started to act lovely to u.. And before u know u fallen in love with him.. But scared that if he found out about ur fake memory lost... They will kill you))

*one night *
(( you were sitting on jimin's bedroom.. U had ur cellphone in ur hand and ur office number on ur phone screen... Suddenly jimin touched ur shoulder... U jumped in fear))

Jimin : what's wrong? Looks like u saw a ghost..

You : well I was thinking something deep..

Jimin :  r u sure u r not hiding something... *in a serious tune*

You : *nervous * what r u talking about?

Jimin : *place a knife arround ur neck * u sure?

You : jimin what r u doing? I am scared.

(( your crop instincts worked on ur own and u throw that knife as soon as it touches ur knife))

You : I don't know how this happened

Jimin : so I was right?

You : I don't know...

Jimin : just give up the act... U r a worst actor.... U think I dont knw about u and crops..

You :............

Jimin : but I let u live with us so that u can see what we really r?! What our plans and motives r?  * coming closer to u*

You : jimin what r u doing?

Jimin : becz of u people we poor have 2  struggle * whispers in ur ear*

You : please stop... I DON'T WANNA BE RAPED AGAIN!

JIMIN : * stops* what do you mean?

You : when I was little my parents were dead.. And my uncle. My uncle *cries * ABUSE ME!

Jimin :..............

You : but it was fine I could bear it.. But my first love.. He use me sexual and mentally to win my BF..


Jimin : * hugs you * don't u dare to complete the sentence... Every body born ... For someone.. For something to be done...

You : *whispers * jimin... Please make me ur now....

(( and with that u have a rough night with jimin... Jimin lost his control and enter in u for 5 time in a row))

*next day  morning *

You : *wakes up *

Jimin : good morning beautiful.

You : did we?

Jimin : * kisses on Forehead* yes and I am happy we did it..

((u were happy 2 but.... Something else was bother u))

*in ur office*

J-hope : there is no trace of y/n for 6 days *worries*

Suga : * enters* look at this.. Her resignation...

J-hope : what!

Suga : she said she is safe and wanted to stay in the life she is having right now.

*at night *

You : r u sure?.. They will be fine..

Jk's wife: it's natural...

You : still today they r going to deal someone more dangerous then before... I just don't wanna loose him...

Jin's wife : don't worry.

(( suddenly u heard of car's horn and u looked outside))

What u saw :

What u saw :

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