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[[ YOU pulling your friend towards the abandon staircase of your school , you both alsways loves to do all kind of gosships in lunch hours so u both sat down in one of the staircase and started talking 🤣]]

FRIEND : " Holy shit , did you saw kim namjoon like damn he is so fucking sexy , i would go on knees for him .. 😍"

YOU : " Me too .. 😍"

FRIEND : " Wtf you mean by 'me too' ?! Bitch namjoon is mine .. dont even .. "

YOU : " Namjoon ?! no no i mean me too for Jeon Jungkook <3 "

FRIEND : " Jungkook ?! That casanova ?! seriously ?! No chance .. every girl wants him , he dont even look at girls 🙄"

YOU : " He dont even look at girls ?! What if he is gay ?! :( "

FRIEND : " No he isnt , its just he thinks no one is good enough for him in this school.. rich asshole 😏😏"

YOU : " Stop abusing my sugar daddy 😭😭"

FRIEND : " Sugar daddy ?! Jungkook ?! You will be lucky if he even talk to u , forget getting his di.. "

YOU : " Sshh !! Keep the voice low idiot .. what if someone hear us .. This whole school is fan of Jungkook .. so shut up .. keep voice low 🙄🙄"

FRIEND : " Jungkook isnt banging u , take my words .. he is like that, he thinks everyone is below him , he i... "

YOU : " His thighs looks so delicious <3 "

FRIEND : " Wtf horny bitch .. stop drooling over Jungkook "

YOU : " Can he let me suck him off , because i swear it looks he got big dic... "

FRIEND : " Dumb head now who is talking loud 😏😏"

YOU : " Whatever .. i wish Jungkook push me off the wall and kiss me like damn that shit is so hot, he is so fre.. "

[[ Then ur friend noticed a shadow on other side of staircase ]]

FRIEND : " There is someone sitting other side .. 😮"

YOU : " Wh.. what ?! "

[[ You got curious so you got up and turned the other side ]]


[[ Before you could say anything , your friend saw how Jungkook turned his head on right towards where u both standing . She got scared & ran off leaving you and Jungkook alone there ]]

YOU : " H..he.. hello.. jun..jungkook  😥🤐🤐"


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