------ STOP CHASING ME JIMIN -------

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JIMIN : " YOU ♥️"

YOU : " I am not coming back JIMIN , please go and live your life .. STOP CHASING ME !!! 💔"

JIMIN : " I am never gonna leave you , i promised .. i will hold on to my promise ♥️"

YOU : " Dont destroy your life for me Jimin , go and enjoy your life 💔"

JIMIN : " My life is you , and if you not in my life , i dont think i need any reason to live ♥️"

YOU : " How long you going to chase me ?! 💔"

JIMIN : " Untiill you comeback to me .. that long ♥️"

YOU : " I am not coming back Jimin , i cant comeback to you .. i am sorry , i didnt mean to leave you but .. 💔"

JIMIN : " I HATE HER !!! "

YOU : " JIMIN NO !!! "

JIMIN : " She took you away from me , i dont see any reason to love her !! "


JIMIN : " I am not leaving you ever , no matter how far u push me , i will keep coming back to you ♥️"

(( With that Jimin left and you fell down in the lobby , same lobby where you and jimin met 10 years ago , same hotel's loby where you busy running down and jimin was carelessly coming upside while checking his phone. Same lobby where you and jimin met for the first time, same lobby where you and jimin fell in love at first sight ))

--------------- 6 PM ---------------

JUNGKOOK : " Jin hyung i already talked to lawyer , we will take the custody "

JIN : " Are you sure , i mean, you and taehyung working & .. "

TAEHYUNG : " Hyung dont worry , we already talked to lawyer and we already managed everything "

YOONGI : " Time to leave .. come everyone "

(( You saw your 5 years old daughter walking down holding Jungkook and Taehyung's fingers.. she is looking doll as usual .. so beautiful 💃))

(( You were lost in your daughter's beauty , Jimin's lips , Jimin's nose , Jimin's cheeks and your eyes. You and Jimin really made an angel together and then you noticed what they all wearing " BLACK " .. WHY THEY WEARING BLACK ? WHEN PEOPLE WEAR BLACK , ON SOMEONE'S DEATH .. WHO DIED.. WHO ... JIMIN ? ))

(( You couldnt see JIMIN there , you keep searching for him in sea of crowd and then you saw the coffin they putting in the car.. THE COFFIN ))

NAMJOON : " Jungkook take the kid and go in other car , i dont want her with Jimin's body .. she is child 💔"

(( JIMIN'S BODY ... ? JIMIN .. WHERE IS JIMIN .. IS JIMIN DEAD .. HOW .. WHAT ?! .. All these questions and you followed them to graveyard.. They cremeted JIMIN next to your grave and your beautifull daughter cried and cried , she not ready to leave the grave , GRAVE .. WHERE HER PARENTS CREMATED 😢💔💔))

(( You ran back to the hotel lobby because you knew if you cant find jimin anywhere then that lobby is the place where you will find JIMIN so you ran back and saw no one there .. you pushed your forehead against the wall and started crying .. how stupid jimin can be to chase you after life 💔))

JIMIN : " I told you , i am never going to leave you .. see i didnt break my promise ♥️"

(( You turned your head on right to see the direction from where the beautiful raspy voice came and you saw your husband .. PARK JIMIN ♥️ .. Jimin looking straight at you , with no expression , just straight face ))

YOU : " JIMIN 💔"


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