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[[ You trying to sleep and suddenly you heared foot steps approaching your bedroom , you too scared to open the door because you knew if you do then he will come inside. You crawled under your bed and heared LOUD banging "OPEN THE DOOR NOONA !!! " .. You covered you ears and after 30 minutes he was gone .. JUST LIKE EVERYDAY !! ]]

[[ His obsession with you started when you were 12 and he was 5 years old , his whole world revolved around you and now he wants you to be his forever. This is wrong in so many ways , you tried to make him understand but its like he doesnt understand. He keep coming for you everyday , everynight with a hunger to make you his and you keep pushing him away. No one knows what he does to you but everyone does know he worships you. ]]

[[ No one would believe a beautiful face can hold such demon inside, but you know because you have seen his demonic side , you know he wont hesitate to kill if he had to for you, what worse is he wont hesitate to kill YOU if he had too. His only obsession , passion, dream is to marry you and get you carry his child.. THAT'S IT !!


------------- MORNING | 10 AM --------------

MOTHER : " So did you sleep well :) "

YOU : " Yes eomma , its little cold in morning .. anyway i am off for work as i hav.. "

JUNGKOOK : " Good morning eomma .. so noona would you mind me dropping you :) "

YOU : " No thanks Jungkook , i will manage. "

[[ Jungkook rolled his fist under the table trying to control his anger arised due to your rejection straight on face. Your parents adopted you when you were just 2 years old , being a girl someone threw you near road when JEON FAMILY adopted you , when you were 7 , Jungkook was born and by 5 , you became his whole world. You wanted to run away from Jungkook , he scares you but when you see how much MR. & MRS. JEON loves you , you just couldnt leave ]]

[[ You picked your bag and left for work , you are 26 now and Jungkook is 19 years old. Its scary because the kids between age 14 - 21 really dont understand due to their constant harmonal change. ]]

------------ IN OFFICE | 2 PM -------------

MR. JEON : " Can i come in :) "

YOU : " Appa ofcourse , i was just working on the new project , please have seat :) "

FATHER : " You work so hard and i think you need to take day off and go with your friends "

YOU : " I will think about that surely appa.. ha ha .. anyway you here ? any special reason ? "

[[ With that MR. JEON started narrating whole project he wants you to work on and you listened carefully. You never asked anything from JEON FAMILY because they adopted you , gave you new life , that itself is big enough and u dont think u can ever re-pay that so you kept your mouth shut and let Jungkook torture you emotionally and mentally. After MR. JEON left , you got message and you slide your phone .. ]]

JUNGKOOK : " Noona missing me ? <3 "

[[ You deleted the message and kept the phone silent and as you didnt reply , 1 message .. 2 message .. 3 message .. 4 message .. CALLS & CALLS keep coming , all from JUNGKOOK .. He has that madness for you and sometime you wonder if he has some mental health issue.. and you got so frustated that you switched off the phone!!!  ]]

---------------- NIGHT | 9 PM ----------------

MOTHER : " Where is Jungkook , why he didnt arrive yet ? "

MAID : " Master Jungkook is out with his friends and he will be ... "

JUNGKOOK : " I AM HOME !!!!!! "

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