-------------FORBIDDEN LOVE-----------------

30 2 1

(( you were running in ur hall way becz u were late but make it in time))

You : safe!! 😉😉

Jungkook : barely next time get up early pabo

((you and Jungkook were friends for kindergarten.. U 2 know everything about each other.. But soon u devoloped  feelings for him but never told him becz u had fear that it will ruin ur friendship))

*launch time*

Jungkook : I am going to the roof top

You : see you in a minute.

((as you were about to leave 2 girl approached you))

You : how can I help you?

2nd girl : you see my friend have a crush on Jungkook but afraid to tell him.. U r his friend so can please pass his letter to him.

1st girl : I beg you * bows*

You :............

(( and they left... You soon reached roof top and starting to have launch.. But u were distracted))

Jungkook : u OK?

You : * gasps * hmm yes yes I am.

( " should I or not" was the only thought in ur head that time... In end u couldn't do it))

*after school *

((you said you left something in ur class and told Jungkook to wait for in front the main gate..... U were looking for ur thing and  finally found it... But as u were about to go out of the room a male voice reached ur ears.. It's was park jimin's.. Ur class president))

Jimin : would you like to go on a date with me? * blushes*

((unfortunately u had to say no to him with a sorry... U left the room and noticed Jungkook.. U were about to wave at him but u noticed that girl early in lunchtime approached him & he started to blush.. They talked and...... ))

Jungkook : I would love 2

(( you were numb.. "he liked her 2".. Tears were fallen from ur eyes...... U returned to the room.. Jimin who was in the room was shocked to see u))

Jimin : what happened?

You : *hugs him* please date me

Jimin :..............

((you were broken and jimin accepted u with love of his heart.... After that day u and Jungkook started to have fights... U started to act rough to him... In end ur friendship scattered into pieces and u stopped talking to him and broke all touches with him))

* after 5 years*
* school reunion *

(( u and jimin were engaged and happy... In the reunion everyone was happy to see each other u 2 but u decided to see the school year book and so u went to the stuff room.. And opened the book u found ur and jimin' picture but that's not what you were looking for.... As u spotted Jungkook's photo a tear fall from ur eye and u wept it as u saw jimin approached u))

Jimin : it's nice to refresh memories

((as jimin was talking u looked out side and noticed Jungkook holding his gf Oops fiance's hand and talking to everyone with a bright smile))

You : *whispers * looks like it was supposed to be a forbidden love for us Jungkook pabo.

Jimin : did you said something?

You : I said it's feels great * goes to him and holds his hand * everyone is happy

(( you again looked at the picture but with a smile))

The photo :

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