Poor Kookie

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JUNGKOOK : " Hyung no !! not here ..😥😥 "

TAEHYUNG : " Washroom ?!😜 "

JUNGKOOK : " NOOOOO !! Please behave tae-hyung 😥 "

TAEHYUNG : " Then you shouldnt be looking this sexy baby , tonight ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " There is camera .. BEHAVE !! 🙄🙄"

TAEHYUNG : " I cant get my hands off you 😘 "

JUNGKOOK : " Wtf .. stop hyung !! 😣"

TAEHYUNG : " Then you dont react and let me do what i want .. you keep straight face ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " Hyun.. "

TAEHYUNG : " Be my good boy jungkookie , u dont want daddy to punish you .. right ?! ;) so keep straight face and let me do what i want to do ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " Fine but no getting hands inside pant 😣"

TAEHYUNG : " fine , i will just love ur face then baby ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " OK .. I will keep the straight face. Do whatever you want .. 😥 "


Stay tuned

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