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NURSE : "Good morning doctor :) "

YOU : "Hey, morning. So how is he ?! 😕"

NURSE : "As usual , he doesn't talk to anyone, don't turn on lights of his room except that tiny white lamp, he keeps looking outside window & always freeze wherever he stands, like he is motionless. A living body with dead soul 💔 :( "

YOU : "I know.. he went through lot, no wonder why he is like this 💔"

NURSE : " What happened to him ?! "

YOU : " He lost his 4 friends (SUGA, JIMIN,  V, HOSEOK), boyfriend (KIM NAMJOON) & he killed his brother (JEON JUNGKOOK),  technically it was an accident , his brother got hit by his car so.. 💔"

NURSE : "Oh my god.. 💔"

YOU : " Yes I know.. & all this happened within 24 hours  💔"

NURSE : " .... "

YOU : ".... "

NURSE : " Doctor do you love him ?! ❤"

YOU : " Wh.. what ?! NO he is my patient :( "

NURSE : " Doctor isn't he the same guy whom you loved since your school days ?! "

YOU : " Ho.. how do u kn..know ?! "

NURSE : " Now when you revealed his friends, boyfriend and brothers name, i remember he is the one whom you loved and you told me about him one night when we were in break room 💔"

YOU : "... "

NURSE : "You still love him & that is why u trying to save him  ... Isn't it ?! :) "

YOU : "Yes ❤ .. but in real he don't even know I exsist, he never knew in school either, he was popular and I was always the shy one .. well i will go and check on him now :) "

NURSE : " Ok.. well u should tell him u love him :) "

YOU : " I can't,  not now.. in future when he will be normal I will.. ❤ "

NURSE : "Ok go check on him, bet he is standing motionless in his dark room or watching outside as usual 💔"

*YOU heads towards JIN's room*

YOU : "Mr. KIM"

JIN : " .... "

YOU : " Mr. KIM can i come in.. Mr. Ki..KIM ?! :( "


Stay tuned

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