---------------SCHOOL YEAR - - - - - - - - - -

30 1 0

YOU : good morning class..

Students : morning madam....

(( you were a very popular student of ABC school now you are the teacher of that school.. Every student likes you becz you are very friendly))

You : u know today is a special day...


One student : madam we heard you found your true on ur school year book day.

You : who told you.?

Students : P.T sir !!

You : * murmur* that asshohle is dead.

Students :tell us na madam

You : well....

* 10 years ago*

((you were very famous among boys but only one boy don't like you... You always try to be friends with him but failed.. On ur school year book day before taking the photo a bunch of girl told you P. T sir wanted to see you.. So you went to meet him.. At first he was talking normally but suddenly he started to touch you))

You : sir? * tries to push him away *

Sir :I know you r loving it

You : * shouts * HELP! PLEASE!

Sir : *covers ur mouth * * lay you down on floor *

You : *cries * please don't..., 😫😫😫

(( he almost opened all of your clothes but at the main time that boy who don't likes you entered and kicked the Sir))

He : you thinhead asshohle! 😡😡😡

(( he looked at you.. You were trying to cover yourself.. He came close to you and picked u up in bride style ))

You : what r u....

He : you need rest..

You : but.. Why? I thought u hates me.

He : I wish if I can do both at once.

You : both?

He : I can't love and hate you at once.

(( you became speakless and as his defense he told you he is a shy person who always have a hard time to show the real feelings instead of the opposite of the real feeling... After that he confessed you his true feelings and u started dating))

*present time *

You : that's it. Now come on be in a line..

Students : yes!

(( the photo session ended with in 4 hours.. After that u went to see the old pictures book you quickly found the year of ur graduation you turned the pages until you found what you were looking for..

" I knew you would be here" a make voice reached your year))

You : yes.. By the way P. T sir? how dare u tell students about us, 😡😡

P.T sir : I can't help it.. By the way which picture you r looking at..

You : Ofc our 10 year old self...

P.T sir : seriously? Am I that much beautiful?

You : Yes.. That's why I fallen in love with u..  With Ur younger self..... not ur this self *smirks*

P. T : then I have to see that asshohle face first and find out how?

(( both of ur laughter was echoing in the room))

The graduation Photo :

The graduation Photo :

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