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JIMIN : " So why we keeping these in fridge ?! :/ "

YOU : " A normal human keeps COLD DRINKS in fridge to cool , because its COLD DRINK and fridge keeps the items cold .. ok genius !!! 😏😏"

JIMIN : " Why can't i drink them ?! I mean.. "

YOU : " These are for guests PARK JIMIN !! Stop acting like 5 years old child.. 😠😠😠"

KID : " Eommmmmmmaaaa ~~ "

[[ You looked at your 5 years old son who was playing with video games standing up in anger , crossing arms infront of his chest and giving u angry look ]]

YOU : " What ?! 😐😐"

KID : " Dont compare me with appa, i am more mature ok 😏"

JIMIN : " Heyyyyy .... ?! 😶😶"

YOU : " Oh god , i need a day off from this wife and mother duty 😭😭😭😭"

JIMIN : "Honey i can help , see give me these coldrink bott.."

YOU : " Dont touch them jimin , those are for guests 😠😠"

JIMIN : " What guest ?! Jungkookie, tae, yoongi hyung , hoseok hyung , namjin hyung arent guests , they're fam.."

YOU : " Family i know.. but there is a thing called hospitality "

JIMIN : " Honey please one bottle , i will drink one.. :( "

YOU : " You drank more than 20 bottles JIMIN !!! NO MORE"

[[ With that you picked up your bag and car key , you headed towards to supermarket to pick grocerries for night's big feast but before leaving ... ]]


JIMIN : " .... "


JIMIN : " I won't.. i prom.. "

KID : " Dont worry eomma, i will keep an eye on appa 😜"

JIMIN : "What the hell .. dont forget i brought u in this world "

KID : " Eomma brought me practically , she carried me in her womb appa.. i am 5 years old not 5 months old who dont understand things ;) "

JIMIN : " Whaaa.. ?! "

YOU : " Our son will keep you in control.. no touching those cold drink bottles PARK JIMINI !!!! "

[[ With that you left , after 30 minutes you got video call from your son .. ]]

KID : " eommmmaaaa .. appppaaaa ~~~ "

YOU : " What happened to JIMIN ?! Is he ok .. baby tell me is appa alright , i am coming home :( "

KID : " You see on your own :/ "

[[ KID turned the phone towards JIMIN .. ]]

YOU : " PARK JIMINNNNNNNN !!!!!! 😠😠😠😡😡😠"


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