Water Bottle

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[[ You busy in meeting when your phone started vibrating , ofcourse you cannot pick up the phone in middle of meeting but your husband calling you constantly and u remmember one time u ignored the call, u met your house with fire when u went back home so you went outside quickly & called back 🙄🙄]]

YOU : " Joonie i was in meeting , what's so urgency ?! Did you tried to experiment again in our kitchen or what ?! 😏😏"

NAMJOON : " Baby i am horny , so i wanted to hear your voice .. 😍😍"

YOU : " ...... "

NAMJOON : " Baby ?! you still there .. ?! 🤨"

YOU : " You cannot be serious are you ?! 😠😠"

NAMJOON : " Not my fault you are sexy & ur curves & you boo.. "


NAMJOON : " Send me your nudes atleast !!!😜😜"

YOU : " I am gonna choke you once i come back hom... "

NAMJOON : " You dont have that thing to choke me , i have .. BABY !!!! 😜😜😜"

[[ Your husband kim namjoon is really sensible person but once he starts get horny , there is no way you can escape but now u r in office and freaking meeting going on so u have to do something so u decided to end the call.. ]]

YOU : " I am ending the call.. that's it .. 😠"

NAMJOON : " But baby my dic... "

YOU : " Not my problem , deal with your own problems !! "

NAMJOON : " How ?! :( "

YOU : " Imagine me then  :/ "

NAMJOON : " .. Imagine .. with what ?! "

YOU : " What is there infront of you ?! "

NAMJOON : " Waterbottle ?! :/ "

YOU : " Good.. that's me then ;) .. BYE HONEY !!!! "

NAMJOON : " Wait .. wh... "

[[ You disconnected the call.. its 7 PM when you came back home and found your husband with the waterbottle , god is he taking feel of that bottle ?! :/ ]]

YOU : " Joonie what are you doing ?! :/ "

NAMJOON : " I am imagining you , feeling you .. ;) "

YOU : " That's waterbottle joonie.. "

NAMJOON : " No, its you baby .. DAAAMN !!! You're so sexy , these curves .. "

[[ You stood there with jaw dropped , so if you can play game , sure your husband know how to play better ;) ]]

YOU : " Joonie.. "


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