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(( Car keys, purse and files in one hand and a grocery bag in other hand. You waiting for lift to open so that you can get inside your apartment and put these things down on table and take breathe of relief. After 5 minutes finally you reached your floor which is 10th in this lavish building. You rang the bell and your husband opened the door :) ))

YOU : " Good evening my dear husband "

NAMJOON : " Oh my god give me all these , how you even carried all of them , damn they're so heavy "

YOU : " I know, i mea.. ? "

NAMJOON : " ........"


(( You saw Namjoon's parents were on dinning table waiting for your arrival. Namjoon possibly texted you this but you too busy in school to check the message ))

MRS. KIM : " Hello dear, i thought you will be late so i cooked dinner for my son , i mean for all of us "

YOU : " Why you took the trouble ? i mean i was anyway about to cook after reaching home "

MRS. KIM : " I cant let my son starve to death , can i ? "

(( You understand namjoon's mother's dislike hate towards you , you understand why she behaving so coldly and that's all because even after 6 years of your marriage , she still not getting good news from your side. Well only if she knew THE TRUTH BETWEEN YOU & NAMJOON. You sat down on chair for dinner and namjoon held your hand under the table and you started thinking about how all these started ))

----------------------- 6 YEARS BACK --------------------------

(( You just completed your university and now your parents looking for a good groom for you. You are 19 , why they think its ok to find a groom at such age god knows. After lots of arguments you finally gave up and your mother said that you going to meet this boy named KIM NAMJOON in a cafe , to get to know each other ))

(( Its 10 AM and you waiting for this man named KIM NAMJOON to arrive in cafe and suddenly your eyes fell on a beautiful blond hair dude coming through the door, he has dimples like FREAKING DIMPLES and has such daddy personality. He walked towards you and you came back in sense after 2 minutes when he greeted you as you practically drooling over him throughout his walk from enterance to the table ))

YOU : " Oh hi, its really nice to meet you "

NAMJOON : " Pleasure is all mine lady "

(( Ok if his looks isnt enough to kill then his way of speech is definetly killer. He has such beautiful husky voice and very beautiful face and ok did i talked about body before ?! YES KIM NAMJOON HAS SEXY PERSONALITY !!! Alright enough drooling , lets move forward in story ;) ))

YOU : " If you wana ask me then you can ask me "

NAMJOON : " I dont need to ask , i need to share something with you .. ABOUT ME !!! "

YOU : " Yes , please go ahead "

NAMJOON : " Before i share this i want you to have open view towards things, i want you to see and understand everything in neutral way like an educated person , can you do that for me ?! "

YOU : " Ofcourse "

NAMJOON : " & if you feel uncomfortable then you can leave , i wont stop you but please do react maturely "

YOU : " I will.. I PROMISE <3 "

NAMJOON : " Its the BIGGEST TRUTH about me which i never shared with my family either except.. "

YOU : " except.. ? "

NAMJOON : " Never mind. So shall i disclose my TRUTH ?! "

YOU : " Yes please. "

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