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JUNGKOOK : " Don't push me off you sick bastard 😠"

SECURITY : " Just get lost , next time i see you here again , i will break your this camera.. got it !! 😠😠"

JUNGKOOK : " Fuck you asshole , if you think this way you can stop me from taking pictures of MY TAEHYUNG then think twice looser !! 😠😠"

SECURITY : " MY TAEHYUNG ?! ha ha , dream you bitch , everyone wants him , even my daughters wants him .. he aint dating people like you .. get lost with your camera 😜😜"

[[ With that JUNGKOOK was once again pushed outside and once again JUNGKOOK left with only 300 - 400 KIM TAEHYUNG pics he captured .. not much 300 - 400 for his fansite 'VANTE' .. <3 ]]

TAEHYUNG : " Who was that ?! :( "

JIMIN : " Nothing , one of your crazy fan .. like always tae :) "

TAEHYUNG : " Was he the same guy who .. "

SUGA : " Tae you need to stop drooling over that guy , like seriously if pd - nim come to know about this , you will be so dead :/  "

JIN : " Stop you all.. seriously tae if you like him then why dont u approach him ?! he follows you like satellite everywhere :) "

NAMJOON : " Why you giving him ideas .. we dont need rumuor please .. we have comebac.. "

HOSEOK : " Comeback .. ?! seriously joonie , that is what you care for , what about Tae's happiness ?! :(  "

JIMIN : " But what if he is stalker , i mean i dont want Tae to get stalked and hurt ?! :(  "

SUGA : " Worse ... what if he is sasaeng fan ?! :/ "

TAEHYUNG : " He cant be sasaeng , he never hurt me tho :( "

[[ with that all started giving ideas and Tae left for his room , JUNGKOOK was sitting outside the hotel and waiting for Tae to come to window or balcony so that he can take more photos and Tae did.. Tae was so tired and his heart was going again and again to this boy he saw year back in airport , black hoodie, black pants and timberland shoes., a camera around neck focussing only on TAEHYUNG.. 😍😍

Tae wants to know who is he ?! but again and again freaking security intervene.. with this thought Tae pacing in his 7 start hotel's balcony when he saw HIM <3 !!! That guy !! Tae and Jungkook both looked at each other and in seconds Tae came down , he didnt wait for lift , he just ran down and Jungkook dont know what happened , why Tae left suddenly so he decided to leave , he thought Tae hates him that's why he left like that .. with that thought Jungkook started walking down the nearby alley .. 🤨🤨 ]]

[[ Tae came down wearing fully covered mask and all and saw Jungkook walking down the dark alley , he ran towards Jungkook but freaking damn he didnt knew Jungkook is black belt in Taekwondo.. Before Tae approach , Jungkook pushed him off the wall and almost chocked him to death ..😥 ]]

JUNGKOOK : " What the fuck , who are you ?! Are you trying to rob me .. ?! 😠😠😠"

TAE : " NO !!! 😥😥"

[[ That voice was enough for Jungkook and the moment Jungkook's grip was lose , Tae turned Jungkook on the wall and took off his mask .. before Jungkook could say a thing, Tae crashed his lips on Jungkook <3 ]]

JUNGKOOK : " Taeh... "

TAE : " Open your mouth baby , let me taste you well.. you freaking driving me crazy since last 1 year .. just let me taste every inch of u <3 "

JUNGKOOK : " But taehy... "

[[ With that Tae pushed himself more on Jungkook , both were getting hard inside their pants. Taehyung kissed , bite jungkook's lips, to his ears, to his neck , to his chest. Taehyung started roaming his hands inside Jungkook's shirt and feeling the abs .. his fingers went higher to touch the nipples.. Jungkook was controlling because they are still very close to road where anyone can come .. <3 ]]

TAE : " Take me your home baby , make me yours .. <3 "

[[ Ofcourse Jungkook dont need to hear that twice , he took tae in his home and next morning Tae woke up sore , he couldnt even walk , he messaged his team that he met his family friend and he will be late .. Like that TAEKOOK keep making love everywhere in Jungkook's tiny apartment where TAEHYUNG was everywhere , on his wall, bed, and now in his arms <3 ]]

[[ That was 1st morning for TAEKOOK and PRESENT DAY , after 7 years , 1st morning for TAEKOOK's honeymoon :) ]]

[[ Taehyung woke up alone in their suite , in cruise ship. He expected Jungkook to be there in bed , in his arms but WHERE IS JUNGKOOK ?! :) .. Tae went outside and saw Jungkook capturing things in his camera , ofcourse there are  millions things , but Taheyung capture only Jungkook 😍 ]]

[[ Tae picked his camera and when Jungkook focus on capturing other things , Taehyung captured his husband <3 ]]


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