Request Page

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Here is the list of prompts you can request from. I will be adding more eventually, and if anyone else has any suggestions I will add them too. You can request any superstar, female or male, and they can also be a commentator, ring announcer or backstage interviewer. Please also bare in mind with requests that I don't write smut! I ask that you make requests through comments preferably as I don't always see my inbox in order of request!

1. "You're going the wrong way!"
2. "I made a mistake"
3. "So I had this dream last night..."
4. "Just drop it."
5. "Don't be rude!"
6. "Just be quiet."
7. "So I'm your girlfriend now?"
8. "Our own little one."
9. "Can we just getaway?"
10. "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!"
11. I can't do it without you by my side."
12. "You're panicking over nothing."
13. "For the love of god just kill it!"
14. "I always let my emotions get the better of me."
15. "Are we too old to do that?"
16. "Can we just forget about it?"
17. "Pick on someone your own size."
18. "Stop showing off."
19. "Why can't you love me as much as I love you?"
20. "I don't know what's more beautiful..."
21. "I don't know how to say what I want to say."
22. "Will you..."
23. "You do make me chuckle."
24. "Sometimes I think I'm better off without you."
25. "This is happiness."
26. "All I want is a cuddle."
27. "It's awful."
28. "Can you hear yourself?"
29. "You deserved that."
30. "I was ready to go fifteen minutes ago."
31. "What aren't you telling me?"
32. "I feel like a bricks fallen on my head."
33. "What's that?"
34. "It's just another day in paradise."
35. "Such a charmer."
36. "I'm 99.9% sure..."
37. "Stop distracting me!"
38. "Did I say you could do that?"
39. "I love you."
40. "Tell me something I don't know."
41. "I don't think you're head can get any bigger."
42. "What are you thinking at this very second?"
43. "If I told you to jump off a bridge would you?"
44. "You don't have to shout."
45. "Don't flatter yourself."
46. "You're lucky to have me."
47. "I'm stronger than you!"
48. "You're one joke away from getting kicked out."
49. "Do you have to wear those?"
50. "That shirt looks awfully tight."

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