Kyle O'Reilly #39

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"I'm home...why are there tears?" I instantly felt the bed dip and Kyle's arms wrap around my body.

"I can't do this anymore," I cried out in between sniffs.

"What is it? Can't do what?" He asked, trying to look into my eyes. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Everything, works so stressful, and you're never here, my family are hundreds of miles away, I'm so lonely." He squeezed me tighter into his chest.

"Come on, deep breaths," he encouraged, running his hand along my back, "it is all going to be alright."

"Is it?" He placed one of his hands under my chin, pulling my head up from my lap to look at him. "How is anything ever going to get better?"

"Because I love you, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy and that those tears never reappear." He quickly kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you," I whispered, replacing his lips with his forehead.

"Now, I want you to tell me exactly what's causing you stress, what makes you sad, and what makes you lonely, that way we know exactly what we can do to make sure that beautiful smile of yours never drops again."

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