The Miz #39

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"Can you help me?" I groaned, looking up at Mike as he walked into the room carrying two cardboard boxes on top of each other. "Babe?"

"What even is all this?" I asked. I stood up, moving a few things out of his way before he dumped them at the back of the room.

"It's just a little something to tell you that I love you." He walked over and pecked my cheek, lacing his hand in with mine. "Come on."

"So you're telling me I have to help you bring in something for me because you couldn't do it." He smirked down at me, nodding his head. "Are you that weak?"

"No, I just thought it would be nice for us to do something together?" He pushed me out of the front door where a pile of many other boxes were. "Come on, get lifting!"

"You're unbelievable." I picked up a box, regardless, hoisting it up onto my shoulder. I could see as I turned to walk back into the house his eyes were following me from behind, eyeing me up. I span around catching him off guard. "My eyes are up here you know."

"Yeah," he muttered, "but the sight is nowhere near as good."

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