Seth Rollins #31

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"Where is it we're going tonight?" I asked Seth, skimming through all the clothes in my wardrobe.

"Oh...only to that little pub down the road." His voice didn't sound convincing at all, as he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Which one?" I pushed, noticing his eyes looking anywhere around the room but at me.

"You know the one, down the road on the street corner." I nodded, letting out a brief sigh.

"What's it called again?" He paused, his face desperately searching for the name.

"I can't remember." I nodded, moving onto the bed to sit next to him.

"What aren't you telling me? You're a terrible liar." He let out a huge sigh, nudging my hip.

"Fine, I'm taking you to that fancy bistro, we're meeting up with your family for a late birthday meal." I instantly felt guilty, looking at him with apologetic eyes.

"Now I feel bad." He let out a laugh, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Don't worry about it love, I knew you'd probably ask loads of questions and I'd have to say something." My head fell onto his shoulders, allowing me to squeeze me into him.

"I'll still make sure it's the most magical night for you," he whispered, kissing the top of my head.

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