Peyton Royce #42

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"What are you thinking at this very second?" I whispered, tilting my head to look at Peyton.

"I'm not too sure." I chuckled, feeling out for her hand under the duvet. "I have so many thoughts going through my head."

"Want to talk about any of them?" She nodded, looking across back at me.

"I've been thinking about the future mainly, where you and I will be in a year, five years." I smiled, instantly wondering myself where life would take us.

"As cheesy as it sounds, I hope that you're still in my life." She leaned across, pecking my lips.

"It sounds very cheesy, but is also very true, because I couldn't imagine life without you in it for the rest of it." I finally managed to intertwine my hand in with hers.

"Do you think we'll be married? Have kids?" She nodded, but then quickly changed to shaking her head. "I don't know how to take that."

"I'd love to be married, but I think kids can be put off for a few more years, I want a career first." I smiled back, understanding her point of view completely.

"I know you'll have a successful career in the future, I know it."

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