Bayley #30

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I was ready to go fifteen minutes ago

"We're going to be late!" I looked up from the seat watching Bayley sprint down the stairs.

"Calm down," I encouraged, standing up from my seat.

"How can I calm down? We've got to be there for half past seven, it's already ten past." I placed my hands on her shoulders, stopping he to take a deep breath.

"It's twenty minutes, it's plenty of time." She mimicked me taking a couple of deep breaths, smoothing out her dress.

"Are you even ready?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"Excuse me I was ready to go fifteen minutes ago like we agreed, it's not my fault you took so long doing your makeup."

She went to speak, but stopped herself, rethinking hat what she wanted to say. "I just want people to know I've made an effort." I nodded back at her. "You've made an effort too," she tried to reassure me.

"I know, I just have the ability to get ready on time and still look great!" I let her go, guiding her towards the front door.

"Can we just go already? I'm so nervous." I nodded, grabbing my keys, leading her out of the door.

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