Roman Reigns #13

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"I need a new suitcase." I dumped my trainers in my case, looking at Roman to see if everything was fine.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not quite able to see what the problem was.

"Look." I walked over to where he knelt down, catching a spider in the corner of case in the fabric. "There's no way I'm going near that."

"Seriously? It's a tiny spider it's not going to hurt you." He continued to look up at me with a sad pout. "Move out of the way."

"Thanks love." I replaced him on the floor, cupping my hands to try and catch the small creature. "For the love of god just kill it already."

"It's a living thing Ro, I'm not just gonna kill it." After a couple of attempts I captured the spider in my hands, walking over to the window to release it.

"Perfect," he smiled, beginning to put his belongings in his case.

"Is that case good enough for you now?" I queried sarcastically, grabbing a couple of jumpers from my wardrobe. "I can clean it if you want me to."

"No, just getting rid of the ghastly creature is good enough for me," he sarcastically retorted.

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