Seth Rollins x Alexa Bliss #37

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"Have I ever told you you're beautiful?" His voice was enough to make Alexa drop her pen and turn around to look into his eyes.

"Yeah, you have." He could tell she was unimpressed by her snappy attitude, but opted to walk over and stand behind her seat anyway.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"You," she groaned, "stop distracting me, I'm trying to write this promo, but I just can't focus."

"Yes you can," he encouraged, massaging her shoulders lightly, "it's not going to come to you straightaway, give it time."

"Seth, I can't, I give up." She picked up her pen, throwing it back down again as a sign of her anger.

"Stop." She didn't realise, but it hurt Seth to see her this way. "Take a deep breath and have a few moments to yourself, come back to it once you're calm and in the right frame of mind."

She looked up at Seth, rolling her eyes at his wisdom. "You're right."

He couldn't help but smile proudly, picking Alexa up and out of her seat. "Come lay down for a bit," he told her, laying her down on the bed, laying down beside her, wrapping his arm across her waist.

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