Seth Rollins #3

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"So I had this dream last night where you and I weren't wrestlers." Seth sat opposite me on the sofas, looking across at me.

"What were we then?" He asked with intrigue.

"Funnily enough we were both acrobats in the circus." We both sniggered a little, we both knew it would never happen.

"I literally could have come up with anything but working in the circus." I nodded in agreement.  "So what sort of act did we do?"

"You were a trapeze artist, you could do the splits and all sorts, which is nothing like what you are in real life."

"The splits? Me?" He got up from his seat, stretching his legs out, barely able to get halfway to the ground. "See, no good."

"You didn't need to demonstrate. And I was a juggler, fire, bowling pins, I could juggle anything." Seth's eyebrows raised, taking three oranges out of the fruit bowl.

"Go on then, give it a try." I took them from him, throwing them up with confidence, only for each one slowly to fall back down, hitting me on the head.

"I never said hand eye coordination was a strong point," I said excusing myself for being so terrible.

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