Baron Corbin #19

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The door opened to reveal Baron. His face was a little blurry, but as soon as his hand wrapped around my arm I felt safe.

"It's three in the morning, what are you doing?" His voice sounded harsh, a little spiteful."

"You're so beautiful," I whispered, trying to reach out to touch his face. "Baron, you're amazing."

"How about we get you a duvet and you can sleep on the couch tonight?" I shook my head, placing my hand over his mouth.

"Let me talk," I shushed him, placing my hand over his. "Why can't you love me as much as I love you?"

Baron removed my weak hand from his mouth, bringing it down to my side. "Y/N, you're drunk, maybe you need to sleep and then think about what you're saying."

" thinking," I grumbled, walking through the hall into his living room. "Truth."

"You have no idea what you're saying, you're going to regret all this in the morning." He pushed me down lightly so I sat down on the sofa. "Let me get you a duvet."

"No! Don't leave me," I shrieked, pulling him down to lay beside me. "I love you Baron."

"No you don't sweetie, I think you're just loving alcohol right now."

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