Dolph Ziggler #23 & #29

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"So, I was thinking we should break up." I stopped, staring at Dolph in utter confusion. "I'm just not feeling it anymore."

"Where's this come from?" I asked, trying hard not to cry. "You were fine this morning."

"I have had some time to think." He stood up walking towards me, holding his arms out.

"What?" I asked, pushing him away.

"You're so easy to prank." He fell into a fit of laughter, holding onto my shoulder to support himself.

Instead I hit his arm, hard, shaking my head. "Ouch."

"You deserved that, why would you do that? I believed you." He calmed himself down, holding my hand tightly.

"You're so gullible I knew you'd believe me that's why." I softly pouted, feeling his other hand on my cheek. "You do make me chuckle."

"I'm glad you find it funny that I thought my boyfriend was breaking up with me." He pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head.

"You know I love you, I'd never break up with you beautiful." I hummed in response feeling his grip tighten. "Don't be like that."

"Just be quiet and hug me before you say something else you'll regret." He nodded, falling silent embracing me.

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