Baron Corbin #24

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"Hey, babe, look." I waited and watched for Baron to come around the corner, hearing his voice shout through.

"Where are you?" I asked, unsure exactly where it came from.

"I'm in the living room, come here." I sighed, hopping off the kitchen stool, walking through into the living room."

"Why are the lights off?" I queried, unsure as to why I'd been greeted by darkness.

"You've got to turn them on." Another sigh escaped as I felt around for the light switch, pushing down on it. "Ta da!"

"Oh my gosh!" I couldn't help but chuckle as my eyes took in the giant blanket fort that had been put together around the whole room.

"So, what do you think?" He asked, poking his head through what I could only presume was a window.

"I'm thinking how sometimes I think I'm better off without you." He chuckled, reaching forward to take my hand.

"Come on in, you'll love it." Through the mass pile of blankets I eventually found myself under the lamps that he'd set up amongst the duvets and cushions.

"You have too much spare time on your hands," I teased, feeling myself be pulled into him.

"We're never leaving this spot, ever, I'm far too proud of this."

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