Peyton Royce #13

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"I'm home!" I walked through the house to the front door, smiling whilst Peyton took her shoes off.

"Hi." She looked up at me with a smile, until her eyes clocked what my hands were wrapped around.

"What the heck is that?" She backed away slightly, holding onto the wall to steady herself.

"It's a snake of course, look how gorgeous it is." I could see her chest growing bigger as the fear grew inside of her.

"I was being sarcastic you idiot, now for the love of god just kill it." I gasped, moving the snake away. "Seriously."

"I'm not going to kill it, calm down, maybe this will get rid of your fear." I tried to move towards her, but she screamed me away. "Just look at it, you don't have to touch it."

"I don't want to look at it, I don't want to be near it, can we conquer my fear some other way?" As soon as I saw just how scared she was, I quickly moved it away.

"I'll carry on doing my research, one day you'll learn to love snakes." She smiled, satisfied once the snake was safely back in the box to go back to the pet store.

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