The Shield #34

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"The team back together again, I've waited for this moment for so long." Roman smiled, placing his black shirt over his head.

"Ready, Y/N?" I looked across at Seth, nodding with excitement. It was the first time in over two years I was able to look across and see him in my locker.

"It's just another day in paradise."

For once I was comfortable in my working environment, things felt like they had never changed.

"Paradise?" Dean queried. "I guess it is a bit. The Shield feels like home." A little blush grew on his cheeks as he looked around the room.

Three sets of arms wrapped around me, pulling me forwards into a hug. Their big frames squished me, pinning my ears and hands until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ouch!" I cried out, wriggling out of their grips. "You forget how small I am."

"You're in The Shield, you're strong." I nodded, flexing my muscles.

"I'm still small though." I peered up, catching each of their smug smiles. "I'm stronger than all of you really."

Dean sniggered in the background earning himself a thump on the arm from Seth.

"Don't underestimate her, she's the glue that holds us together."

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