Dolph Ziggler #48

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"...honestly babe, hearing you walk around the house is like listening to an elephant sometimes." I shot Dolph a glare, moving a few inches away from him. "Don't look like that."

"Oh come on, it's funny," he tried to convince me with a laugh, but noticed the blank expression etched across my face.

My head shook at him in annoyance and despair. "You're one joke away from getting kicked out," I muttered, turning my back to Dolph.

"What are you on about?" He asked, moving closer towards me, pressing his body to my back.

"All you've done all night is mock me, if that's how you wanna be you can sleep on the couch." I felt his lips come up to my cheeks, moving along my jaw.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I was making you feel that way." I turned in his arms to look up at his bright eyes.

"That's the trouble, you don't realise, you just think you're funny."

"I don't know what else to say aside from I'm sorry," he said, pulling me into his chest. "I promise I'll be careful from now on."

"Promise?" I whispered, kissing his perfectly defined jaw.

"I absolutely promise."

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