Bayley #32

716 9 0


I looked across as the ball flew, dropping down, smacking right onto Alexa's head. "Ow!"

"Babe!" I ran straight over, wrapping my arm securely around her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

" really hurts." I led her inside away from her nephews who continued to play catch, sitting her down.

"Let me get you some ice for that before it turns into a nasty bruise." She didn't say a word, just pressed her hand to the top of her head. "I don't even know how they managed to throw the ball so high."

Her face looked at me glumly, shaking her head. "Why does it always happen to me?" 

"I have no idea, you're such a small target, it's a wonder things hit you." She wanted to remain angry, but I heard a small snigger escape.

"I feel like a brick has fallen on my head not a basketball, how are those things so heavy?" I shrugged my shoulders, placing the frozen peas to the top of her head, cringing every time she winced.

"Are they helping?" She hummed, still a little bit dazed from the shock and impact. "Hold them for a bit longer, I promise the pain will go soon."

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