Finn Balor #25 & #39

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The one way to describe what was around me, the view, the sounds, the company.

Finn's eyes stared across at me as we both sat in the sand under the moonlight. "Y/N," he finally whispered. I looked across at him, not saying a word. "I love you."

"I love you too Finn," I giggled back, a little bit embarrassed. I'd never been whisked off my feet in such a way.

"Are you happy?" He then proceeded to ask, his blue orbs glistening under the stars, as he looked at me still.

"Of course I'm happy," I replied, flashing him a wide smile. "Everything about tonight is perfect, this is happiness, everything I could dream of."

"I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you." I sighed, shifting across nearer towards him, pushing him down so he laid.

"I know how much you do, you show me everyday," I added, laying myself down into his side, resting my arm across his waist. "You're the best, even when you are thousands of miles away,"

"You know I wouldn't be if didn't have to be," he muttered, running his hand along my lower back.

"I know, but it just makes nights like this all the more special."

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