Johnny Gargano #8

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Well this is weird." I looked at Johnny in complete surprise, unable to hold back my laughter. "You've got to admit it is a little weird."

"You mean holding a baby, you think holding a baby is weird." He shrugged his shoulders, looking down at the newly born girl in his arms.

"'Not holding a baby, but knowing this is our baby, our own little one, half you and half me." Another tired giggle escaped as I leaned back onto the pillow.

"Maybe so, but I'd prefer to look at is as exciting and beautiful, this is your daughter." He nodded with a smile, rocking her side to side.

"I know, and it is beautiful and mesmerising and everything else, it's so much to take in." His voice mellowed as the baby in his arms let out the sweetest yawn.

"Barely a few hours old and already tired, I can't wait to see what she's like when she gets to our age," I teased, letting out a yawn of my own.

"What if she's a wrestler? How amazing would that be," Johnny chimed, already enthusiastic about the thought.

"We've got plenty of time to plan her future yet," I whispered, shutting my eyes for a quick sleep.

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