Adam Cole #8

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"This all seems so surreal," I whispered, unable to deter my eyes away from the newborn in my arms.

"I feel like we're going to have to give it back to someone in a few moments like we usually do, but then I remember he's actually ours." I chuckled, feeling Adam kiss the top of my head.

"Our own little one, who we don't have to share him with anyone." Every little feature he possessed I was already obsessed with.

"I wonder who he'll grow up to look like, you or me?" We both studied his features for a few moments, drawn to his smile.

"He's definitely got your smile darling," I told Adam, looking between them both, "but I think he's got my eyes."

"You've got beautiful eyes," he complimented. "I hope he looks more like you, when he grows up he'll be an absolute chick magnet."

"Adam, he's barely been born a few minutes, let's stick to thinking about diapers and kindergarten, one step at a time."

"I can't help myself," he defended, "I just can't believe that he's all ours and we get to see him grow up into an incredible young man."

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