Shane Thorne #40

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"Ready?" I smiled down at Shane who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"I was born ready." My dress draped just below my feet, hugging around my waist.

"You look beautiful by the way." I pecked his cheek softly, lacing our hands together.

"Tell me something I don't know." I brushed my hair out of my face, a few curls still hanging forwards.

"Know how to take a compliment too." I joined him at the bottom of the stairs, looking at his shirt and tie combo.

"This is my favourite dress, I always feel incredible when I wear this one."
Shane kissed the top of my head.

"I think it's my favourite dress too." His hand ran down the material until it rested on my hip. "Ready to dance the night away?"

"I'm more than ready." I grabbed my flats, dancing in heels was a definite no.

"I've got a taxi booked so we both can let our hair down with friends." I nodded, pecking his cheek appreciatively.

"I'm so excited," I whispered, noticing the lights of a car glare through the window.

"I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, you deserve it," he told me, opening the door up for us to leave.

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