The Undertaker #22 & #39

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"Hasn't tonight just been perfect?" I nodded as we walked through the door into the house, turning the light on.

"It has, I've never felt this special in a long time." I felt his lips press to the top of my head, guiding me into the living room.

"I'm glad to hear it." I switched the light on, noticing five red roses on the floor, and petals scattered in the shape of a heart.

"Did you do this?" I turned around looking up at head height, instead finding him kneeling to the ground.

"Y/N, I love you, I'm so glad to have someone like you in my life, to support me and guide me and love me in moments of hurt and ecstasy. Will you marry me?"

My hand moved up to cover my mouth in surprise, as I nodded my head, left speechless.

He pulled the ring out of the box in his hand, sliding it onto my hand. "I'm so pleased you said yes," he whispered, hugging me tightly.

"As if I would ever say no," I replied with a chuckle. "A guy like you, any girl would be so lucky to have you," I complimented, locking my lips to his.

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