Finn Balor #39 & #40

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"You look beautiful today." A small smile grew on my face as I span around to see Finn's eyes staring back at me.

"Do I?" He nodded with a chuckle, standing up to step in front of me.

"You do." His cold hand pressed to my cheek, his thumb grazed along my cheekbone. "I'm a very lucky man."

"I love you," I whispered, copying his actions, pressing my hand to his cheek.

"Tell me something I don't know." A smirk developed on his face causing me to nudge his arm.

"That ruined the moment," I laughed, "I was trying to be cute."

"You're always cute to me." I smiled up at him, staring at his bright eyes.


"Did that bring the moment back?" He asked in hope. I nodded slowly in response, feeling his arms move to around my waist.

"Just about." His Irish chuckle echoed once again through the room making me blush.

In a matter of seconds I felt his soft lips press to my own, pulling my body close to him, closing the gap between us.

My hands tangled through his hair as he pulled away. "What a lovely moment that was," he chimed, keeping a hold of me.

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