Nikki Cross #3

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"So I had this dream last night, it was so weird, I got told that I was going to be going onto the main roster." I chuckled, intertwining our hands.

"Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't a dream?" She smirked, shaking her head in response. "It's only a dream if it's make-believe."

"Not anymore." I brought her hand up to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "Will we be alright? With you still here in Orlando?"

I hadn't really thought about it, but I wasn't going to let something so small get in the way of us.

"Of course it won't affect us, sure they'll be a few changes, but I promise I won't allow that to change anything between us."

Nikki nodded, running her hands through her hair. "Plus, it won't be long until you join me on the main roster."

"Oh, love, I think I've got a good year of training left in me yet." I appreciated her words, but we were both realistic. I came to the company with little experience, whereas Nikki had already travelled around the world.

"You need to set big dreams for yourself my darling, because one day, they might just come true."

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