Seth Rollins x Alexa Bliss #38

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Seth smirked as he spotted the small stature of his partner stood in the corridor. He approached her, tiptoeing behind her frame before lifting his left arm up, patting his hand down on top of her blonde head.

She turned around, unimpressed, looking up at him. "Did I say you could do that?" She asked, readjusting her hair to how she liked it.

"No," he shrugged unsure as to why she looked so upset. "Just thought I'd surprise you."

"Surprise or annoy?" She challenged.

"What is wrong with you? I don't understand what I've done wrong." By this point they were beginning to catch the attention of passers by from their raised voices.

"You don't get it Seth, I work hard to keep my hair in place, I don't need you coming over to mess it all up."

"My hair is hard work too," he tried to protest, but Alexa was having none of it.

"Yours was when you had that blonde thing, but now you make no effort." He gasped, but the smirk on her face soon made him smile.

"I promise not to mess with your hair again," he smiled, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead.

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