Dolph Ziggler #7

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"Do you have a second?" I looked up from the table as Dolph walked around, taking my hand in his.

"Of course I do." He smiled, pulling me up, leading me to the side of the catering hall, where the noise wasn't quite so loud.

"I just wanted to thank you for last night." My body leaned on the white wall, my smile growing.

"I had a good time too." He nodded, running his other hand through his loosely curled hair. My hand reached up, moving the few strands he missed that fell in front of his eyes.

"I was wondering if you fancied doing it again sometime." I nodded, feeling a few butterflies in my stomach.

I didn't know what it was about Dolph but he made me so excited and giddy.

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with a couple." His hand began to shake in my own, his eyes were fearful almost.

"I'd love to." As soon as I spoke his body softened, he was smiling once more. "So I'm your girlfriend now I guess."

"I guess you are," he whispered, quickly pecking my lips amongst all the people around us.

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