Roman Reigns #17

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"Oi!" I stopped in my tracks hearing Brock's voice bellow down the corridor. "Aren't you supposed to be cleaning or something?"

"Funny, not the first time you've said that." His eerie chuckle rang out as he stepped closer, towering over me.

"Don't get smart with me little girl." I stood up on my tiptoes, reaching his eye level.

"Don't call me little girl," I replied in the toughest voice I could muster. "You really are a spiteful man."

"Am I? What are you going to do? Put me in detention, run and tell Vince?" His voice was sinister and intimidating, staring down at me.

"Hey! What's going on here?" We both looked left noticing Roman running down the corridor.

Brock took a step away from me, giving Roman space to come between us. "We were just having a nice chat," Brock informed him.

"Really? It didn't look that way from over there." Brock smiled, looking between us both.

"Don't lie to him," I warned, knowing Brock would never be honest.

"I'll tell you this once, pick on someone your own size Lesnar." Brock begrudgingly walked off, leaving Roman and I alone.

"Thank you so much," I whispered once Brock was out of earshot.

"No problem, I don't want to see any girl in a situation like that."

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