Dean Ambrose #46

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"Stay still." I warned, pressing my hand to the top of Dean's head. "I'm trying to clean it up."

"It hurts though babe." I chuckled, continuing to wipe the blood away from the cut just above his eye.

"Man up." He groaned, folding his arms across his chest. "You're lucky t have me, not many women we do this for their man."

"You're right, but then some people would also do it nicely so it doesn't hurt." I continued wiping, pressing down still.

"If I don't do it this hard it's still going to be dirty, it's for your own good." He still looked just as grumpy, flinching every time I touched him.

"You'd think a man as experienced as me I wouldn't get myself into situations like these anymore." I stopped and moved away from him.

"Regardless of how long you've been wrestling for, accidents still happen, not everything goes perfectly in the ring." He half smiled up at me, knowing I was right.

"It still sucks." It was like looking after a big baby sometimes, as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Just think about how hardcore and strong you look with a cut." He chuckled, smiling proudly.

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