Shane Thorne #46

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"What do you think?" Shane's arms flexed upwards, his biceps bulging.

"Yeah, I mean you're alright." He shot me a glare, shaking his head at me in disappointment.

"Alright? I am looking so good right now, appreciate the body babe." I walked up to him and felt his muscles, admittedly swooning a bit.

"You're strong, big deal." He sighed, moving his arms around my waist.

"Excuse me, you're lucky to have me, a strong man to protect you." I couldn't help but chuckle, his blush growing slightly.

"You do such a good job of protecting me." He nodded, tightening his arms around me even more.

"It's not hard when you're so strong and independent. Honestly, you inspire me to get stronger so I can be more like you."

"Don't be silly," I scolded, hitting his arm lightly.

"I'm serious, I go on about how lucky you are to have me, but I'm just as, if not more lucky to have you." I ran my hand through his hair, brushing my thumb against his cheeks.

"You're adorable," I whispered, pecking his lips a couple of times. "I'm a very lucky girl."

"I'm a very lucky guy too," he smiled, kissing the top of my head.

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