Shane Thorne #44

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"Where are you going?" I stopped and span around, looking at Shane who stood in the doorway.

"I'm going out with my work friends, I told you the other day." He shook his head, leaning his arm on the frame.

"No, tonight you said that you and I could spend sometime together." I looked at him cluelessly.

"I thought that was tomorrow." He let out a sigh, running his hands stressfully through his hair.

"No, I said Thursday." He stepped forward towards me. "You don't ever have time for me or this relationship, I was really looking forward to tonight."

"I'm sorry, but you and I can always see each other tomorrow, whatever you want to do." He continued to shake his head.

"Why don't you cancel your friends instead of continuously cancelling on me!" He shouted, stamping his foot on the ground.

"You don't have to shout!" I shouted back, taken aback by his loud tone.

"Maybe I do, maybe then you'll get the message that this upsets me." I stopped, staring up at him.

"I didn't realise it upset you." He sighed once more.

"Of course it upsets me, thinking you don't want to spend time with me." I slid my heels off my feet.

"I'm sorry, I'll cancel the girls, tonight is all about you."

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