Johnny Gargano #35

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Walking through the masses of people, in the corner of my eye I stopped Johnny sat, texting on his phone.

"Oi!" I shouted, catching his attention. He jumped a little, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"There you are." He jumped down and wrapped me in his arms, pulling me into his chest. "Well done on the win."

"Thanks bub." He kisses my lips lightly, wary of people around us. "I'm so tired now though." 

"Interesting, because I know something we could do that will wake you back up." His expression was suggestive, his eyebrows wiggled, his smile turning into a smirk.

"Such a charmer, can we at least get back to the hotel before you start hitting on me." Quickly, his hand laced in with mine, pulling me around the arena. "What's the hurry?"

"We need to get you back to that hotel, so I can show you just how proud I am of you for picking up the win." I chuckled to myself, impressed how eager I had made him.

"My legs don't move this fast," I whined, feeling them burn after the energy used in my match.

"I've got a solution," he whispered, hoisting me up onto his back, piggybacking me the rest of the way to the locker.

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