Dolph Ziggler #10 & #15

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"Oh, wow!" I looked at Dolph's smile, following his gaze to a sign by the beach.


"I've always wanted to go parasailing." I rolled my eyes, catching a duo going up into the sky as he spoke.

"Aren't we too old to do that?"
Dolph looked down at me in disgust, shaking his head.

"Babe, I'm here for a good time not a long time. We are never too old to do anything as long as we believe so."

I remained silent, staring up at the sky.

"You aren't sure are you?" I nodded my head feeling his strong arm wrap around my shoulders.

"It doesn't look all that safe."

"I promise you it is one hundred percent safe. Plus, I'll be there the entire time, doesn't that make you feel safe?" He asked.

"Of course it does." He soft smile was reassuring, his grip was comforting.

"Shall we give it a go?" Despite my nerves I never wanted to let him down. His eyes looked down, pleading with me.

"Come on then." I grabbed his hand, pulling him down the separate pathway, the stones crumbling under my feet.

"You'll have the time of your life," he whispered, squeezing my hand in a sign of appreciation.

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