Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns #48

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"I'm home!" Roman groaned as the key turned in the door, as Dean stumbled through the door. "Where's my slave?" Dean shouted.

"Shut up." Roman quickly walked over, steadying the tipsy man before him. "The neighbours are asleep."

"Who cares about them! They're just a bunch of old folk anyway." Roman gasped in horror, slamming the door shut.

"Just stop talking and sit down." He grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, practically throwing it at Dean.

"Why are you so miserable? This is supposed to be a party." Dean's voice grew in volume, not impressing his partner before him.

"Dean, have some respect." Dean shook his head with a throaty chuckle, unaware of the tension growing.

"Respect? I'll respect people when they start to respect Dean Ambrose." He stood up, spilling his drink, jumping up and down.

"You're one joke away from getting kicked out, now sit down and or go to bed." The tone of Roman's voice was this time enough to send shockwaves through Dean.

"I'll go to bed then," he mumbled, slamming his glass on the table. "Nice to see you too," he sarcastically shouted through as he took himself up the stairs and into the bedroom.

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