Finn Balor #47

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I groaned once more, falling into Finn's chest. "I'm so bored." I muttered, wrapping my arm across his muscular chest.

"Wha do you want to do then?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

I sat up, looking down at him with a grin. "How about we have an arm wrestle?"

His Irish laugh escaped, shaking his head doubtfully. "You really think you could beat me in an arm wrestle, you're no competition."

"I'm stronger than you, you're weak." I grabbed his arm, squeezing his bicep, trying to stop my smile appearing.

"If arm wrestling you will prove how weak you are, then let's go." With one quick sweep Finn lifted me up, carrying me to the island in the kitchen.

"One hand behind your back," he scolded, placing his right hand on the table whilst I did the same.

"" The two of us began to push down, my hand tilting slowly onto the table.

"I'm gonna win," Finn teased, flexing his other arm to show off his biceps.

"Oh my gosh! Look!" I pointed out if the window making Finn turn around to look out. I felt his hand go limp, allowing me to push his hand down to the table.

"What?" He shouted.

"Told you I was stronger than you."

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