Alexa Bliss #7

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I looked across at the dance floor noticing a guy grinding all over Alexa. I could see on her face she wasn't enjoying it at all.

Downing my drink I marched over, tapping the guy on his shoulder. "Excuse me, I don't appreciate you dancing with my girlfriend." I looked at Alexa, giving her a look to play along.

"Well where were you when she was left all alone around here?" He tried to stand tall, but I was a couple of inches taller.

"I was in the loo, what did you expect me to do, take her in with me?" He gulped, shaking his head, slowly beginning to admit defeat. "Then why don't you do one mate."

"Sorry," he muttered walking back amongst the crowd to try and find his friends.

"So I'm your girlfriend now am I?" Alexa smugly spoke up, taking a huge sip from her drink.

"Absolutely not, if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend I'd do it the proper way, not in some dodgy club." She looked content enough, nodding her head understandingly.

"Then where are you taking me on a date tomorrow?" She asked pushing it further, knowing full well I'd agree.

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