No Way Jose #26

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"Hi." I walked up to Jose, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly.

"Someone's happy," he whispered in response, kissing the top of my head. "Care to dance?" He asked.

"'No." I could hear a small sigh emerge from him, as his head leaned on top of mine.

"Come on, shake those hips for me." His hands tried to move my hips, but I kept them frozen.

"Babe, all I want is a cuddle right now, it's just been one of those days."

"Alright. Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, burying it further into his chest. The ends of his hair tickled my face as we slowly began to sway.

"Jose..." I muttered, knowing exactly what he was up to.

"Give it a try, it might cheer you up." I pulled away from his face, looking up into his eyes. "Take my lead."

"If you're sure." He began to move his hips, instructing me to do the same. The smile on his face grew, instinctively causing mine to do the same.

"See, that smile I love is there." A little giggle came through as he picked up the pace of our movements. "I told you, dance can take care of anything."

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