Seth Rollins #31

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The strong smirk on his face instantly worried me. As he walked into the room he looked like a smug child, pressing his hands together. 

"What have you done?" I asked nervously. He walked over, standing by my side, nudging his hip into mine. "Seth."

"I haven't done anything," he protested, holding his hands up innocently. 

"Don't lie to me, what aren't you telling me? I know that look, that's your mischievous look." He shrugged, pulling his phone out from his back pocket.

He unlocked it, hiding it from me. "Please don't be mad, but I've just put some money down to buy a little something for the house."


"Yeah, honestly it's tiny." Slowly, he turned his phone around to reveal an adorable puppy.

I looked between the phone and him in confusion. "You didn't." His head nodded, his smile widening. "How are we going to look after a puppy!"

"We'll manage, just look how adorable it is." 

I shook my head, taking a few steps away from him. "Getting a dog is a big deal, it's something we should talk about together Seth, as a couple."

"Just look how cute it is though." He shoved the phone, and the image, in front of me once more."

"I guess it is kinda cute..."

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