Pete Dunne #45

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"Love, do you want to see something good?" Pete asked, stepping out of the shower to the hotel, just a towel wrapped around himself. 

"Sure," I smiled, looking around the room. 

Before me, he flexed his muscles, lifting the towel up to show off his leg muscles too. I kept my expression blank, staring at him. 

Quickly, his smile dropped, looking at me in confusion. "Are you not impressed?"

"Impressed by what?" I asked, "I was waiting for this something good to come along." Pete pouted, walking to sit on the end of the bed. 

"Are you seriously not impressed? My body is in insane shape right now, I've never looked so good." I leant forwards, pecking his lips softly.

"Don't flatter yourself," I chuckled, running my hands through his damp hair. "I'm only kidding love, you look incredible, but that's nothing different to usual."

Pete's smile reappeared, "I know you can never say no to my body." I shook my head, pressing my hand to his cheek. 

"It baffles me sometimes how your ego doesn't break with how big it is, honestly." He smiled, kissing me to quieten me. 

"I can't help showing off, because I know you bloody love it."

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