Johnny Gargano #25

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"How does it feel to be back?" We both sat down around one of the tables, looking directly opposite each other.

"Honestly, it feels like I've never been away," Johnny began, "everyone is still so friendly and kind, nothing feels like it's changed." 

"It's changed for me," I spoke up. He looked at me, a little confused, tilting his head questionably. "Things weren't the same here without you, I missed having you around."

"I missed you too at home." He laced his hand in with my cold one, bringing it up to his mouth planting one kiss on the back of my hand.

"I'm so glad you're back where you belong." He nodded, his smile only growing as he quickly scanned the room.

"This is happiness, you, wrestling, and all my friends. It's exactly where I belong, where I'll always belong." I couldn't have agreed with him more, he was Johnny Wrestling after all.

"How about you and I head down to the ring and practice a few moves before tonight." I could barely finish speaking before Johnny was up from his chair.

"I thought you'd never ask," he chuckled, lifting me up and tossing me over his shoulder, rubbing us both down to the ring.

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